about me
We all deserve the freedom to do the things that make us happy without the day-to-day admin and annoyances tripping us up.
As a working mum that's very much still learning myself, I'm committed to helping you change the little things in your life that make a big difference to how you feel, giving you the headspace to look at the bigger picture and plan the future you want.
Running my own business was an intentional step to creating space for myself and satisfying my desire to help others after a fast-paced career in marketing and advertising. I never felt comfortable being a tiny cog in a big machine; I needed my independence so I took the leap, helping others who needed an extra pair of hands to manage the tasks they didn't have time for and working specifically with women, like me, to streamline their day and help them blitz their to-do list.
Everything I offer is grounded in friendly, practical support and advice, making sure you experience the immediate benefits of making small changes or having a helping hand.
giving back the freedom
to do the things you love doing